Help June's Recovery Left Corneal Ulcer
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June's Recovery left eye and cornea ulcer.
Desparate help for June's Recovery after Emergency left Cornea Diamond Burr Debridement at Nashville Veterinary Opthamology Services.
Three years ago, June and Ted came into our family. It was by happenstance and God knowing they needed a family like ours who would not give up on them no matter what. We had just lost our Annie, our red headed Brussels Griffon, who died a horrific death and I was still raw inside, heartbroken. We lost her on March 13th. June and Ted were brought to Nashville Humane Association on March 14th. Both had had a hard life.
June is the other half of a brother and sister duo that our family rescued from Nashville Humane Association about 3 years ago. June is now 10 years old and part of our family, along with Ted, her brother. Both are Corgi mixes.
At that time, we were referred to a new vet’s office, Parker’s Paws, in Nashville by a friend of mine. After being so devastated after Annie passed away I was hesitant and quite frankly, numb. When Dr. K walked in, I fell in love with her right away. She had a Brussels too, so she was very compassionate to the loss we just experienced and very in tune with June and Ted from the very beginning.
June has come such a long way since that time. In the beginning, she would not make eye contact with us. She was very guarded, quiet, but yet feisty. It was clear that affection and attention had been lacking and it would take us time to figure her out. She was not an easy read.
In time, she began to trust us and little by little, the walls came down. Now, she will cuddle with us, roll over for belly rubs, and give very selective kisses.
About a month or so ago, we noticed June's left eye watering and she couldn't open it. Just fine one minute and the next minute, emergency. Off to the vet we went and the Dr. Blakey found her left eye had a corneal ulcer. This type of cornea ulcer is extremely painful. That's one of the hardest factors for us is the pain she's been enduring.
We had a five day treatment plan that included plasma from her own dog as a donor, lots of pain meds and then back the next week for June’s follow up. It was healed! We were all prematurely elated.
Two days later, it looks like her eye is swollen shut, and back to the vet we go. We do another treatment, antibiotics and plasma from Dr. Blakey's dog.
Five days later we go back again for the next follow up. Corneal Ulcer is still there. June can’t open her eye.
We bring her home with more antibiotics, more drops, more plasma, sodium chloride ointment and were encouraged she could open her eye up for the first time in a month.
Dr. Blakey told us our next option if her ulcer was not healed would be to remove her eye since she was not getting better. It was hard for me to wrap my head around that for June.
On her follow up visit a few days later, 03-27-19, the corneal ulcer is still there. Dr. Blakey reached out to Veterinary Ophthalmology Services for June.
Dr. Bergstrom consulted with Dr. Blakey and Dr. Bergstrom wanted to try the Diamond Burr Debridement before discussing removing her eye. This caught us off guard of course, but she had to have the procedure done immediately, (that day), with a 10 day recovery before the next follow up.
Below is her 3-day post procedure photo.
That procedure’s costs were going to be between $313.00 and $500.00, additional meds we could get at Parker’s Paws and then a re-visit at VOS for another $130.00. Our balance at Parker’s Paws this week remained at $200. 00. The procedure, post-procedure, and Parker's Paws balance has been paid now.
Below is her 7 day post-procedure photo. Her contact lens is still intact.
Left outstanding is the followup appointment at VOS for $130.00, additional meds, and eye removal if the ulcer has not healed.
My family simply can't do this alone. If you could help in any way for this procedure and follow up our family would be so grateful. I am holding my breath and yet trying to stay positive for her follow up appointment on 04-10-19.
Below is June after the 04-10-19 follow up visit:
I have the specialist's phone and address listed, VOS, as well as June's vet, Parker's Paws. They will be the recipient of the donations or donate here through gofundme.
We have spent over $1,500 alone before the fundraiser was launched. Your donations made it possible for June to have her procedure and begin her recovery. Any donations that are given now will help June maintain her delayed veterinary expenses that were put on the back burner while she was being treated.
Thank you so much for helping our June see again. I am humbled to have asked for help as sharing is so important to June. I am so grateful and overwhelmed for those who have donated and shared.
To learn a little more please click on the link from the PetRescueReport written by Penny Eims earlier last week. Thank you Penny. Here is the link
Prayers and support for her are so appreciated! Any leftover donations will be paid to Parker's Paws and VOS as a credit for June's ongoing care.
June's Emergency Cornea Diamond Burr Debridement
Veterinary Ophthalmology Services
4344 Kenilwood
Nashville Tn 37204
615 [phone redacted]
Parker's Paws Animal Hospital
43 Brookwood Terrace
Nashville, TN. 37205
My Journey In Rescue Through Sophie’s Village
My name is Laura and I started my journey in rescuing dogs from California shelters in 2015 with one very specific dog named Sophie, who came in when found by a kind stranger after being hit by a car in Downey, California and left to die in a gutter. After surgery for a broken pelvis, Sophie was adopted by one of the most loving and wonderful women I have ever met who also lives in California, Mom Janet.
I knew if I didn't get Sophie help, she would die in Downey. There were some very tireless advocates who helped me contact everyone I could. Finally, someone answered my plea who had a rescue in Southern California. Knowing Sophie would require extensive and expensive surgery they moved so quickly to help her.
To learn more about Sophie's rescue and the purpose of Sophie's Village, Facebook, click this link here on Pawsitive Channel: or here:
Sophie's rescue awakened something in me...I like to call it my purpose on earth...I didn't know how I would accomplish this goal, but I knew I would not only accomplish this, I would devote the rest of my life to rescue until my last breath.
Desparate help for June's Recovery after Emergency left Cornea Diamond Burr Debridement at Nashville Veterinary Opthamology Services.
Three years ago, June and Ted came into our family. It was by happenstance and God knowing they needed a family like ours who would not give up on them no matter what. We had just lost our Annie, our red headed Brussels Griffon, who died a horrific death and I was still raw inside, heartbroken. We lost her on March 13th. June and Ted were brought to Nashville Humane Association on March 14th. Both had had a hard life.
June is the other half of a brother and sister duo that our family rescued from Nashville Humane Association about 3 years ago. June is now 10 years old and part of our family, along with Ted, her brother. Both are Corgi mixes.
At that time, we were referred to a new vet’s office, Parker’s Paws, in Nashville by a friend of mine. After being so devastated after Annie passed away I was hesitant and quite frankly, numb. When Dr. K walked in, I fell in love with her right away. She had a Brussels too, so she was very compassionate to the loss we just experienced and very in tune with June and Ted from the very beginning.
June has come such a long way since that time. In the beginning, she would not make eye contact with us. She was very guarded, quiet, but yet feisty. It was clear that affection and attention had been lacking and it would take us time to figure her out. She was not an easy read.
In time, she began to trust us and little by little, the walls came down. Now, she will cuddle with us, roll over for belly rubs, and give very selective kisses.
About a month or so ago, we noticed June's left eye watering and she couldn't open it. Just fine one minute and the next minute, emergency. Off to the vet we went and the Dr. Blakey found her left eye had a corneal ulcer. This type of cornea ulcer is extremely painful. That's one of the hardest factors for us is the pain she's been enduring.
We had a five day treatment plan that included plasma from her own dog as a donor, lots of pain meds and then back the next week for June’s follow up. It was healed! We were all prematurely elated.
Two days later, it looks like her eye is swollen shut, and back to the vet we go. We do another treatment, antibiotics and plasma from Dr. Blakey's dog.
Five days later we go back again for the next follow up. Corneal Ulcer is still there. June can’t open her eye.
We bring her home with more antibiotics, more drops, more plasma, sodium chloride ointment and were encouraged she could open her eye up for the first time in a month.
Dr. Blakey told us our next option if her ulcer was not healed would be to remove her eye since she was not getting better. It was hard for me to wrap my head around that for June.
On her follow up visit a few days later, 03-27-19, the corneal ulcer is still there. Dr. Blakey reached out to Veterinary Ophthalmology Services for June.
Dr. Bergstrom consulted with Dr. Blakey and Dr. Bergstrom wanted to try the Diamond Burr Debridement before discussing removing her eye. This caught us off guard of course, but she had to have the procedure done immediately, (that day), with a 10 day recovery before the next follow up.
Below is her 3-day post procedure photo.
That procedure’s costs were going to be between $313.00 and $500.00, additional meds we could get at Parker’s Paws and then a re-visit at VOS for another $130.00. Our balance at Parker’s Paws this week remained at $200. 00. The procedure, post-procedure, and Parker's Paws balance has been paid now.
Below is her 7 day post-procedure photo. Her contact lens is still intact.
Left outstanding is the followup appointment at VOS for $130.00, additional meds, and eye removal if the ulcer has not healed.
My family simply can't do this alone. If you could help in any way for this procedure and follow up our family would be so grateful. I am holding my breath and yet trying to stay positive for her follow up appointment on 04-10-19.
Below is June after the 04-10-19 follow up visit:
I have the specialist's phone and address listed, VOS, as well as June's vet, Parker's Paws. They will be the recipient of the donations or donate here through gofundme.
We have spent over $1,500 alone before the fundraiser was launched. Your donations made it possible for June to have her procedure and begin her recovery. Any donations that are given now will help June maintain her delayed veterinary expenses that were put on the back burner while she was being treated.
Thank you so much for helping our June see again. I am humbled to have asked for help as sharing is so important to June. I am so grateful and overwhelmed for those who have donated and shared.
To learn a little more please click on the link from the PetRescueReport written by Penny Eims earlier last week. Thank you Penny. Here is the link
Prayers and support for her are so appreciated! Any leftover donations will be paid to Parker's Paws and VOS as a credit for June's ongoing care.
June's Emergency Cornea Diamond Burr Debridement
Veterinary Ophthalmology Services
4344 Kenilwood
Nashville Tn 37204
615 [phone redacted]
Parker's Paws Animal Hospital
43 Brookwood Terrace
Nashville, TN. 37205
My Journey In Rescue Through Sophie’s Village
My name is Laura and I started my journey in rescuing dogs from California shelters in 2015 with one very specific dog named Sophie, who came in when found by a kind stranger after being hit by a car in Downey, California and left to die in a gutter. After surgery for a broken pelvis, Sophie was adopted by one of the most loving and wonderful women I have ever met who also lives in California, Mom Janet.
I knew if I didn't get Sophie help, she would die in Downey. There were some very tireless advocates who helped me contact everyone I could. Finally, someone answered my plea who had a rescue in Southern California. Knowing Sophie would require extensive and expensive surgery they moved so quickly to help her.
To learn more about Sophie's rescue and the purpose of Sophie's Village, Facebook, click this link here on Pawsitive Channel: or here:
Sophie's rescue awakened something in me...I like to call it my purpose on earth...I didn't know how I would accomplish this goal, but I knew I would not only accomplish this, I would devote the rest of my life to rescue until my last breath.
Laura Miller
Nashville, TN