Junior's Surgery & Recovery
I have run a reptile rescue out of my home for the last 4 1/2 years, rescuing well over 175 reptiles of all kinds. Junior is the latest Savannah monitor that I've rescued and has shown me by far the most spunk and will to live of any rescue I've ever had.
Within moments of getting Junior, I realized he had SEVERE Metabolic Bone Disease. When I tried to open his mouth, his bottom jaw folded in half on itself! :O I was horrified! I've never rescued a reptile with such rubbery bones. He went to the vet the very next morning and started receiving calcium shots and has been tube fed Critical Care.
Junior has a grape-sized mass in his belly that will not pass through. It seems to be blocking his digestive tract because with all the tube feedings he's gotten, he's passed out very little fecal material. In order to help Junior fully recover, he obviously needs the mass removed.
Junior is a fighter. He's far more alert, mobile, and active then he was when I got him. He loves to have his head pet and watches me as I work in the room around him. He is such a doll! I want to give him the best chance he has to become an healthy & active adult. That's why I'm opting to do a fundraiser.
For more info, please see my blog: