Juno's New Home
Tax deductible
Juno is a tiny but mighty kitty that was found wandering around central Texas and taken to Wild West Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Amarillo. Juno is either an oncilla or a margay - both are small cats native to Central and South America. She is a tiny little thing, and was diagnosed with FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus). WWWRC contacted us to provide Juno with a permanent home, and we are picking her up very soon.
Because of both her needs as a small wild cat that spends much of it's time in tree tops in the tropics, and her status as immunocompromised, Juno will require a special enclosure to be built for that will provide exactly what she needs to thrive.
Her enclosure will need to have an indoor area (a Special CARE Unit) that is climate controlled and an outdoor enclosure that provides plenty of climbing and hiding opportunities.
Since we need to build this new home for her, we are taking the opportunity to build a new enclosure for one of our lemur troops at the same time. Our smaller troop of Rita, Mort, Miss Stewart, and Momo have long needed a larger enclosure. The one they are in was never meant for a troop of their size and they deserve better! It is always easier for us to combine building projects so we can optimize our resources and get more done with less. So, we are asking for help to build both new habitats so we can continue to provide the best homes possible to the animals in are CARE!
Please give whatever amount you can to this project. We can't wait to bring Juno home and build something for her specific needs AND to build a new and improved space to give our little lemur family more space and enrichment. We can't do either without the CARE pride and appreciate your loving support and devotion to the animals.
Center for Animal Research and Education