Justice for Keith and Tami
UPDATE: We are grateful to the tireless efforts of the Buena Park Police Department and all those involved in bringing in our father’s killer earlier today. Although our father is gone, we finally have the chance to find peace from this nightmare. We also thank all of you for your compassion and support in sharing our story. It has meant the world to us having all your prayers, well wishes, encouragement, and strength throughout this tragedy. In a world full of so much uncertainty and random chance, we are comforted knowing we live in your loving community.
The day before my birthday, my father was killed by a driver and several passengers who struck him in a red Chevy Silverado pick-up truck at the intersection of Western and Auto Center. All fled and failed to call for help. My mother barely survived with the help of good samaritans on the scene who stayed with her, but she is still in intensive care and we may still lose her too. While the killer is still out there, I could not find happiness in my birthday, I could not attend school and cannot rest now that I am the eldest able member of my family to look over my sister and brother.
We need your help to raise awareness and seek justice for my parents. Please come forward if you have any information or know someone who may have information that could crack this case. 40% of the gofundme funds will go towards a reward for any information that leads to an arrest. All remaining funds will be used for funeral arrangements in memory of my father who will be missed dearly by his family and community.
The Buena Park Police Department asks anyone who witnessed the collision or has information
to contact the Buena Park Police Department’s Traffic Bureau at (7 1 4) 5 6 2 - 3 9 4 1.
Case #: 21-28244
Point of Contact: Sgt. Chad Weaver
E-Mail: [email redacted]
Watch Commander’s Office (7 1 4) 5 6 2 - 3 9 3 5
6640 Beach Blvd, Buena Park, CA 90621