Justice for Ray, Kaila, and Baby Truth
Dec 3, 2020, my good friends, Ray and Kaila (along with their nine month old baby, Truth) were pulled over in Troy, NC for a broken tail light when traveling back to Florida after the holidays. Ray and Kaila were removed from their car after questioning a search. The police beat Ray who did nothing to warrant their attacks. The police pointed lasers from their guns at him. He begged for his life as Kaila screamed for her baby. The police arrested both of them. They took baby Truth and put him in foster care after arresting them. Baby Truth is exclusively breastfed and has never been away from his mother—not even for a day.
On Dec 21, I have raised the amount to $30k because rather than being dismissed, Truth’s case is being transferred to NJ Child Services. Why?! I don't know?!
The couple also have to defend the charges for the arrest where Raymond was assaulted by the sheriff. They may have to travel back to North Carolina for that. THIS IS MADNESS!!!
Graduates from Rutgers University, both Ray and Kaila are humanitarians who have been producing food distribution programs for the past two years in New Jersey with a non profit Organization called Tree House Cares. Please continue to pray for this family!