Hi, my name is Keisha Horsley. I’m the mother of 16yr old Travis “TJay” Reddix Jr. My only child was killed in Pascagoula MS. He was robbed, physically assaulted and shot multiple times. No one has been arrested for this horrific crime. I’m raising money to bring awareness and increase the reward to get someone to come forward with information that will lead to an arrest.
Here is his story: My name was Travis Reddix, Jr. My family, friends, and those who knew me called me TJay. I was born on August 1st, 2004, and my mother's only child. You probably have already calculated and guessed it; yes I was only 16 years old the day my life was taken.
See I was a good kid who had never been in trouble. I was an honor student who played football (#16 ) and ran track. I loved dogs, well actually all animals as long as they didn't try to attack me. We had just moved to a new city because my mama wanted the best for me. She was my everything and the epitome of greatness, perseverance, and a survivor. Still today I want my mom to continue fulfilling her dreams in the honor of me. I wanted to work in health care just like her, but I'll never get the chance to. . .just like I won't ever get to go to prom, graduate high school, attend college, or have children because on January 3rd 2021, I was robbed and shot multiple times in Pascagoula, MS. I was only 16, a kid. . .a child! My killer gets another chance everyday.
It has been months, and law enforcement is at a standstill. People who know what happened won't speak out. I wish that I can tell who did this to me but since I can't, I need everybody to be my voice and demand justice. I once came to my mom dreams to give her clues of who killed me. But, I know just like my eagle shirt, she'll "find a way." Please help find my killer so my mom and love ones can mentally rest. My mom deserves peace.