Justice For Tylan Brown
We started this go fund me, in hopes to be able to get a lawyer to fight for the justice of a 3 almost 4 year old boy, Tylan Brown. He was abused in his home allegedly by his mother’s boyfriend, Rolando Obispo. No one knows what really happen yet. An that is why we are striving to get this little boy in a better and safe environment. The mother, Brianna Setser also known as Brianna Obispo, didn’t report it to law enforcement because she “was scared”. No “mother” of any sort would let this happen to their child WITHOUT saying something.
He has also been abused in other ways
So please! Tylans Father, Tylar Brown & I are creating this page to help save this little boy before things get even worse!
If you can share this go fund me! If you have even $1 laying around help this baby in need.