Justice for Yousef Makki
Our family are continuing to raise funds to get justice for our brother, son, nephew, mentor and friend YousefMakki, who was killed in Hale Barnes on 2 March 2019by his supposed friend, Joshua Molnar, who was acquitted of murder and manslaughter in a criminal trial where wealth and privilege took over from justice being delivered. A theme that we believe has continued up until this day.
Yousef’s family and many friends and supporters have fought since his killing for an inquest into his death, particularly in light of Adam Chawdhary (Yousef’s self-proclaimed ‘best friend’) refusing to give evidence as an on-scene witness to the killing of our beloved Yousef that night. During this ongoing process we have also tragically lost our mum and our family’s rock, Debbie Makki, who died of a broken heart in 2020 without seeing justice for her son.
In November 2021 the inquest into Yousef’s killing finally went ahead, despite our legal team having to fight tooth and nail to overturn objections from both Cheshire Police and Adam Chawdhary’s family. To our dismay, on November 17th 2021 the coroner returned an entirely inconclusive ‘narrative conclusion’, meaning that the court could not determine with certainty the events of the minutes leading up to Yousef being killed by a single stab wound to the heart, delivered with force by Joshua Molnar.
The initial £30,000 that our amazing supporters have helped us raise has been depleted by the legal costs of the inquest and we are now effectively back to starting the process of securing justice for Yousef all over again. We are mentally and financially drained from fighting the system, but we shall continue, whatever the hurdles we face. As a family we cannot give up on Yousef, who we believe innocently died trying to make peace between Joshua Molnar and Adam Chawdhary that night in Hale Barns.
In the coming months Yousef’s story will be aired to the world through an exclusive Channel 4 documentary and we hope that this will help the wider public to understand the truth of what we believe happened. We have not received payment for our involvement in the documentary - and our success in eventually getting justice for Yousef will be entirely down to public donations from everyday people who believe that the wealth and privilege of the Molnar and Chawdharyfamilies should not grant their children protection from justice.
We are extremely grateful to all who have supported our family in whatever way it has been; whether by way of a donation to the Go Fund Me campaign, turning up to support us at one of our many trips to court, or re-posting this campaign on social media - we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support, particularly as we now begin to assess our legal options for 2022 in order to continue the fight for justice for Yousef Makki.