As some are aware, we lost our grand daughter on Wednesday in the hands of her mother. She was the most loving and beautiful soul ever. We also lost her brother only a few short months ago and her daddy almost 4 years ago. These lives were taken so unexpectedly and it just doesn’t make any sense to us. The mother could’ve been involved in all 3 and is now being investigated. This fund is being set up for any other BURIAL expenses for Audrey and MEMORIAL expenses for CJ and Critter. Any donations are greatly appreciated and prayers are ALWAYS needed and welcomed. Thank you to everyone for all the help, thoughts and prayers.
WE are in NO way begging for money. A lot of people have asked how they can help and this is what we decided to do. The memorial for all 3 will be built in memory of this family by The People who donate. Again, thank you to everyone.