Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Justice For Pedro Manzano

Spende geschützt
Hello All, 

On Wednesday, July 31, 2019 my sister-in-law and her family lost their brother/son/father/bf to a drive by shooting while leaving the house to go to the store. Pedro was only 28 years old when the killer took away the father of 5 young children. During this hard time, we would like to ask if anyone could help donate money to put towards the cost of his funeral, as the family was not financially prepared for this unexpected tragedy. If you are unable to donate money, we would like to ask if you could repost this link on your social media accounts. Anything helps! Thank you everyone and God Bless ❤️.


Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Tanisa Honey
Stockton, CA
Belem Ramos

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