On the night of Nov.3,2019 my niece Taea Hines was shot in the stomach by the neighbor's 37 year old boyfriend, simply because her mom asked her neighbor to turn down their music & in which they were attacked.Now because of this Taea has been left with serious injuries and severe damage to her colon ,lower intestines, liver,pancreas still in ICU fighting the hardest battle of her life..fighting to take a breath of air ..unable to eat except for a feeding tube no child should have to suffer this way. Nor should a mother have to watch her child fight for her life. Already just a week later my sister has been hit with over $1,900 In medical bills already. Shontae has also had to move out of her home because the attacker's still live next door and have continued to antagonize /threaten her . Even wishing death upon her child in messages &calls. She has been laid off of work making it hard, to provide a new residence where Taea can come home feeling safe &secure from harm. With no means to do so . So please on behalf of myself and my family I humbly ask for your help,and donations as well as all your prayers ❤ any and all Donations will be used for a home for the holiday for this family and Taea's health care and Rehabilitation.