Justin O'Dell
Donation protected
On the morning of January 3, 2024 Justin O'dell gained his wings. At 37 years old he leaves behind 3 children. Tragically they have lost more than just their father. We are reaching out to anyone who can assist them during this incredibly difficult time. In addition to funeral costs and medical expenses, while he was on life support, his fiance who was not by his side but instead has stolen everything he owned of value and sentiment out of his home leaving nothing behind for his children, and is actually running from police in his vehicle now.
Justin was a father of three and loved his children dearly. Please help my cousin and his family they need it more than you know.
He held on tightly before he left this earth, please help give him a peace of mind knowing his family is going to be taken care of.
Thank you for anything you can give. Please share this as much as possible!
Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers.
Donations may also be sent to his Aunt Patty directly at $PattyHartwell.
Paul Lilly
Princeton, WV