Roscoe's Surgery Fund
Donation protected
Meet Roscoe! He’s a four year old English Lab who has never met a person he didn’t like! Once a farm rescue, but now a big loveable pup, he spends his time making friends and playing with his canine best friend, Torque. Life is never boring between the two; after all, it's true what they say, "one mischief always introduces another."
A year ago, Roscoe became very sick very suddenly. After taking him to the vet, it was revealed he’d eaten a sock that became lodged in his gut which required surgery. $6,000 later, he was back home and full of energy.
Unfortunately, Roscoe recently became very ill again. Upon initial consultation, the attending veterinarian presumed it was pancreatitis. Roscoe was treated with medication and an unsavory order of no table scraps. He appeared to recover slowly over the last two weeks until Black Friday when his progress tanked. Another trip to the emergency vet revealed he was actually due for yet another surgery to remove -- you guessed it-- a SOCK!
Due to the hefty surgery cost, any assistance to his procedure fund would be greatly appreciated! As you can imagine incurring the same surgery cost this close to the holidays really SOCKS. With your help, we can try to lighten the load of Roscoe's veterinarian costs. Thank you for any gifts or sharing you can provide!
Alicia Ikerd
Indianapolis, IN