My name is Tatenda Njanike and I am a fashion, commercial model and former Mister Zimbabwe People's Choice 2020. I am a director at Mister Teen Zimbabwe where we teach teenage boys grooming and etiquette. Our aim is to nurture young community leaders who make positive contributions to their respective communities.
I have qualified to represent Zimbabwe in an international contest which is being held in Poland from the 1st to the 23rd of August.
I am seeking support of US$2500 to raise money for a return flight from Zimbabwe to Poland, my passport, visa and mandatory covid test.
The contest provides a unique opportunity for contestants to compete in various competition stages to display their public speaking ability and stage presence. The winner of the contest is named Mister Supranational.
He will serve as an ambassador for the organization and participates in a variety of humanitarian work and making appearances on platforms that address things that have held people back in society. The organization provides a platform to support a social cause he chooses to champion throughout his year of service.
Competing in this global contest will help me achieve my dreams, as I will have a platform to represent underrepresented groups by using my voice and acquired knowledge to advocate for youth financial inclusion. I believe everyone born into a community carries within them solutions that address critical problems within that community. This includes children born with special needs. I wish to promote community integration and inclusive conversations among the youth that accommodate the interests of the deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) community.
When I return from the Mister Supranational contest I will be more empowered and ready to play my part in giving back. My assignment will be to champion workshops that will empower youth who have been excluded by disability to improve their own quality of life and to enable them to contribute towards the national development agenda. This will also be in the form of inclusive conversations which will be communicated in formats that are accessible to the Deaf and hard of hearing community on national television.
One of my proudest milestones as Mister Zimbabwe People's Choice is the Models in Synergy Trust which helps equip Gender-based violence survivors with action steps to take in order to receive free psychosocial support as well as other GBV services that support their healing journey. I have also become a brand ambassador of various local SMEs and have helped them establish online stores in order for them to reach their customers during the covid-19 lockdowns.
It takes a community to raise our flag