Help us repair our car
Some of you may remember that 4 years ago we were in a stitch and needed help with our old car getting replacement parts after it brole down on us three times, once in traffic.
Well, here we are again. We're going to need 700-1,000€ to repair our car and pass inspection.
The issue we have is that we currently cannot handle any more bills due to the medical expenses we have already laid out this year, not to mention all the driving I've had to do for therapy appointments for my kids. for items that are not covered (gas, travel).
We also do not have money aside for Christmas, especially with this popping up on us unexpectedly.
Ya'll, I have at least 3-4 appointments a week, not to mention weekly grocery shopping. I don't know what else to do other than ask or help. We can't afford another loan.