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St Liliane Orphanage for disabled

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Proposed Improvements for Liliane Jubilee Home for Children with Disabilities
The Liliane Jubilee Home for Children with Disabilities is located in Gayaza Uganda and is run by the Order of Mary.  It houses as many as 90 disabled children.

The facility is in disrepair with no electricity or plumbing.  Prior to 2007, most of the funding for the facility came from a NGO in Germany.  Since the economic down turn funding has been cut in half.

The facility has rainwater harvesting in place which collects some of the rain that falls on the roof and stores it for use. The Sisters have several cows to provide milk for the children and they grow most of the food for the children.

The Orphanage is located next to a school and a clinic. For the past five years my Engineers without Borders chapter (the Nebraska Professional Chapter) has been involved  in projects in Uganda. Most of these projects have been at the neighboring Clinic.

We plan to dedicate the next 5 years of service to locations in Columbia.  I am compelled to do what we can for the orphans and the Sisters at the Liliane Jubilee Home before adopting a program in Columbia. To be clear this will not be a Engineers without Borders project though many of our members are helping us with this initiative.

Several projects that could greatly improve the quality of life of these children and nuns includes the following:

-       Repair or replace the leaking roof of the facility.  The estimated cost of this improvement is between $150 to $5,000

-       Install composting toilets to replace the currently overused and unsanitary pit latrine facilities.  Composting toilets would have the additional benefit of producing fertilizer for the gardens where the nuns grow food.  The estimated cost of this improvement is $1200.

-       Re-plaster the walls to prevent further degradation of the building.  The estimated cost of this improvement is $700.

-       Improve the existing rainfall harvesting system.  These improvements include the installation of a ‘first flush’ system that would greatly improve the water quality by minimizing the foreign materials (e.g. bird droppings) washed from the roof into water storage.  The estimate cost of this improvement is $500.

If there are funds available we would like to install bathing/shower facilities for the nuns. This would require an elevated tank and a bicycle-driven water pump. The estimated cost of this facility is $3,000.

To account for unknown circumstances I am setting the fundraising target of $17,000.

Typically we do these projects ourselves with the aid local craftsmen to complete masonry or time intensive tasks. In the case of the projects at the Orphanage, these tasks would be contracted to the local craftsmen given our involvement in other projects.  

We have found local contractors who can provide well constructed projects.  We will secure bids for all work prior to beginning the tasks and will oversee the completion to make sure projects are completed properly and money is not wasted as may be the case on some projects.

The nuns work under difficult conditions to provide an educational opportunity for these disadvantaged children whose parents are often unable to pay for their education.  The nuns deserve to have an operational facility to assist them with this task and decent living conditions.

I am pledging $1000 myself. Of this amount, I pledge $500 now and $500 in the near future.

Thank you for any contrubution to our cause and the good you do as you walk your path through life.
Matthew P. Dworak, P.E. Omaha, NE


  • Geoffrey Reeder
    • $25
    • 9 yrs
  • Bonnie B.
    • $25 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Val & Brent F.
    • $250 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Matt Dworak
    • $500 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs


Matt Dworak
Omaha, NE

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