Help Our Mom Walk Again (After a Brain Aneurysm)
Sharon, our beloved Mom, had a severe near fatal brain aneurysm on July 21, 2019 at only 58 years old. We were told she wouldn’t make it but she somehow pulled through, miraculously. She was on the island at the time and was air lifted to Vancouver where she underwent two brain surgeries.
We were told she was unlikely to survive and even if she did she would likely not talk, eat or walk again.
She had a Grade 5 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage which caused immense damage to her brain, followed by additional strokes and vasospasm. She was in coma for weeks and in the ICU for 8 weeks.
It's been 5 months and she is currently paralyzed in her left leg and unable to stand up, walk or move around on her own. She' has some movement back in her left arm and slowly her left leg is coming back too! We are so excited about this progress.
Her cognition is very good and we are so thankful to have our Mom starting to come back mentally. Her heart is strong and she is truly the sweetest most loving human (and hilarious too).
Unfortunately, the aneurysm occurred in the mobility centre of her brain - and because of this it's the area she's dealing with major physical deficits.
We HOPED she would be sent to GF Strong for intensive rehab after being in the hospital, yet the doctors made the choice to instead send her to a long term care facility (a nursing home) because of her lack of progress physically.
Now she get's even less physiotherapy than she received before, about 30 minutes a week. We believe she needs MORE physio not less if she's ever able to recover her mobility again and live an independent life again.
The first 6-12 months post injury are the most VITAL to her recovery. She is almost at month 6, yet they put her in a care home where she receives almost no rehabilitative services. We are so disheartened by this. It's heartbreaking to see her in an old age home well before her time :(
The public health system is wonderful for base-line keeping her alive (and we are forever grateful for saving her life), but we're not ready to give up on her recovery yet!
We deeply believe she can gain her mobility movement back and walk again. We've heard sooooo many stories of survivors making these miraculous recoveries and gains even years after the injury.
What she needs is more rehab, more strength building and more physiotherapy and she needs it NOW.
We believe she’s capable of a FULL RECOVERY with the right rehab. We believe she will walk again if she’s given a chance. We want her to meet her grandkids and have a life she loves. She's so young and deserves a second chance at life.
(Video: Once she learns to lean forward she's one step closer to walking again)
We're raising funds for private Neuro Physiotheray. She needs a Neuro Physiotherapist to work with her daily for at least 6 months to get into intensive rehab for a total of $18,000.
Getting intensive physio will get her into a rehabilitation facility where she'll re-learn to live independently again.
The three of us are not able to cover the financial impact of this event on our own. We are already strained covering additional costs for her such as clothing, food, supplements, dentists, support physio, travel, admin, acupuncture etc.,
Our Mom was financially supported by her life parter of 20 years... however, he was not able to handle the severity and intensity of what happened to her so he left and returned to France. Leaving her with no money to live on.
We definitely didn't expect to be financially responsible for our mother quite yet and never saw this coming. The 3 of us are very connected to our mom as she was a single mother and raised us on her own. We are so committed to her recovery and health. We've been with her every day for the past 5 months.
My business is in start up phase right now and there's not much extra income, same with my sister and brother.
If you feel inspired to help us help our Mom walk again we would so appreciate any support you can offer, including re-posting this campaign.
If you're unable to offer financial donations but can offer any of the following please let us know (email [email redacted]):
- Female clothing and shoes medium sized
- Female care products such as face creams, oils etc.,
- Acupunture
- Occupational Therapy
- Nutritional Support or naturopathy
- Massage therapy
- Counselling
- Somatic Therapy
- Financial or tax advice
- Any healing modalities
- Advice on brain injury recovery
- SHARE this post with others and/or connect us with funding agencies
Any of these will support in her recovery immensely!! We are deeply grateful for any offering you make.
Please help this loving and beautiful soul get the rehab she needs to walk again!