Aurora 6 grade fundraiser for Ukraine.
Tax deductible
Hello, we are the 6th grade class of Aurora. The reason why we are doing this fundraiser is because war is a horrible thing, and I think no one should have to go through it. Another reason war is terrible: A leader thinks they can attack a free country. To help our cause, please consider donating to our fundraising campaign that will end on May 10th, 2022. Down below, there is more about United Help Ukraine.
United Help Ukraine, Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization receiving and distributing medical supplies, donations, food to the people of Ukraine affected by Russian invasions. Our activities focus on fundraising and events, raising awareness of the crisis in Ukraine by engaging individuals, organizations, private and government institutions. Even more info here https://unitedhelpukraine.org/.
Thank you for participating in our fundraiser.
Lynsey Kamine
Oakland, CA
United Help Ukraine