Cara Kirschner Estrada Family
As many of you know, our sweet Cara has been battling COVID Pneumonia in critical care for a few weeks. We won’t go into all the details as it’s been a rollercoaster, but she was 28 weeks pregnant with her sweet baby boy. Due to her condition, he had to be taken early. He will have a fight of his own, but is doing amazing in the NICU.
Cara is a fighter but has had a rough road and is currently on a ventilator and an ECMO machine. We are praying for healing and know she will push through. We are so grateful for the outpouring of love, prayers, and support. Many are asking how they can support them during this uncertain time. Cara and Miguel are both self-employed and will be facing a long road ahead without the ability to work. The financial support will go to their household bills and other needs that may come up during this time.
We appreciate all that has been given so far and just wanted to put something together since so many are asking where they can contribute. This has rocked our family but we know God is in control. Please continue the prayers and positive words for the journey ahead...prayer is powerful! Send some love for Miguel and their children Camille, Joseph, and Vivia.
If you are not comfortable donating online, please reach out to Lana or Matthew, or you can message directly through the campaign site.