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You are Courage Campaign

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The You are Courage Campaign shines light on all types of people that are fighting a good fight. Courage is defined as "strength in the face of pain of grief." When you visit the campaign page www.facebook.com/youarecourage and see the videos you will have a better understanding of the message of my song. Thank you for fighting a good fight and for being brave. Let's all help by spreading awareness and to be there for one another instead of using judgement. I can only hope the message in the song touches the lives of everyone in some way. Please pay it forward by being real with what our battles are and challenging ourselves to "fight the fight". You can find the You are Courage song by Stevi Zabawa on Apple Music, iTunes, and Spotify.

Pay it forward with “You are Courage”: I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing your support of my cause. But most especially, for helping me, help them. I know we all have experienced difficult times and have had loved ones that could use our support. Please use this song to show them how much courage they have! It means the world to me that they know they are not alone on their journey. 

 Special Thanks:
Tracy Schmitt
Amy and Jeff Hanson
My husband Brian Zabawa 
My family
Joe Brown
Will Newton
Dustin Hoke
Bonnie Breckenridge
Brittany Von Lanken

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Stevi Zabawa
Bloomington, IL
Erica Duncan

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