Kidney a Transplant
Hello, my name is Korina Johnson and I am in final/end stage renal failure. I am currently in the process of being added to the national organ transplant list, and have began taking classes to help me better prepare for this journey. One of the things that my financial coordinator recommended is that I try and raise money to help with the expenses that accompany a transplant surgery, such as medical expenses, medication costs, travel, lodging, food, and daily household items that are needed after a major surgery. This nightmare began in 2015, when I had to have my gallbladder removed. I did not realize it at the time, but one of my kidneys was nicked during this surgery, causing me to go into acute kidney failure. Fast-forward to 2020, I was having trouble breathinúpwent to the doctor and was put in a medically induced coma and on a ventilator due to my lungs filling with fluids. That is when I was diagnosed with stage three chronic kidney failure, which led me to being placed on dialysis. In 2022 I begin undergoing several surgeries to gain an access point for dialysis. I had a fistula placed, it failed. Then they did a graft to gain an access point, and that failed as well. They did a vascular catheter, which was also unsuccessful prior.. I'm currently on my 5th one. I'm highly allergic. to adhesive, which increases the chance of infection.. which I've had.Every surgery that I have had to gain an access to a working fistulaj for dialysis has failed and I am now at the point where I am running out of options and am in desperate need of a kidney transplant. I am asking that you please consider making a donation to help support me during this journey, anything will be greatly appreciated. Or if you would like to consider a kidney donation, you can contact the transplant office at Baylor Scott & White. It's completely free to get tested to see if you are a candidate. I would have never imagined that I would be 36 years old and be needing a kidney transplant in order to live a "normal" life .