Kaitlin Sarchet Family Support Fund
Many of you know the size of Kriss and Luke Sarchet’s family is smaller than the size of their giving hearts which have recently been broken by unfathomable tragedy.
For those who don’t know, on February 14th their youngest daughter Kaitlin took her own life. I am going to attach Kriss and Luke’s own personal words surrounding what they are going through but, their friends want to attempt to give them some form of support to ease their burdens while they are trying to feed and care for their family of 7, amidst the hospital stays and rotations outside of work and resuming normal life.
Kaitlin, Tanner, and Colton are children that Kriss and Luke adopted and brought into their family to be raised as their own. I have often attempted to imagine how they survive daily life and pay for the basics every month, saying to them over the phone, “How do you do it with five kids and 7 buttholes to wipe!?” And on top of their kids, they foster animals too! The truth is, they manage the daily struggles just like the rest of us, the difference is they are the type of people who will continue to give even when they have nothing left.
Luke turns 45 on the 22nd and as is usual to his nature, he very altruistically asked for people to donate to children’s hospitals for his birthday. So a couple of his friends were talking and, we’d like to support their loving home directly as well. If you know Luke and Kriss you know that they would give the shirts off their back for someone in need, and that’s why we are trying to raise them some money for everyday bills and groceries, because right now they are very much in need of return on their investments of love and support from the world.
Heres their story in their own words- please donate if you can- thank you all for any support you can and have given
Lucas Sarchet FB post Wednesday 2/19/20:
To all of our dearest friends and family. I know that some already know. Our family has had a unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy. We have been consumed by protecting and providing for our family so we have not been able to process and say out loud what has happened. On February 14 our sweet beautiful daughter Kaitlin took her own life. We are trying to understand why and questioning how we couldn't have seen this coming. In the end of it all none of it really matters anymore. Our daughter was found and life saving measures started by her brothers, they are hero's but need all the love and protection that any and all of you can give. Our daughter is fighting hard and we are there with her fighting, praying and going to any and all lengths to find whatever path it is that our girl is heading down. We are broken but our family will always move forward. Kriss and I are thinking on if we will start a private group to provide updates on our bright angel with her progress and likely many set backs. We are cautiously hopeful and are asking for any and all of your positive healing energy, prayers, thoughts anything that you can do to help Kaitlin pul through to the end wherever it may be. Please hold your loved ones tight. Also please understand that we are dealing with a mountain so please understand if we can't reply or talk to everyone. Love to all of you. And thank you for all of the support and help we have gotten so far. We will likely need all that we can get.
Krissondra Mapes FB Post 02/19/20:
This is the hardest thing I've ever had to write. But, Luke and I think it is important for our all of our friends and family to know. Kaitlin tried to take her own life last Friday. Jaxon and Tanner found her and did everything right. Kaitlin got to the hospital and they were able to restart her heart. She was airlifted to Children's. We are currently in ICU and will be for a while longer. Kaitlin has a very long recovery ahead of her. We are hopeful that she will return home sometime in the future, and although she will not be the same Kaitlin we know and love, she will be a new and different Kaitlin that we still love fiercely. Please hug and love your kids with all that you have. I'm not sure how we've survived the past few days, but I do not wish this on anyone. Thank you to everyone who has sent us kind words, prayers, food, money, etc... we are so grateful and I dont know how to even express just how much.