Kamari Harris Aftercare Medical Expenses
On July 12th 2021 Kamari Harris was shot 5 to 8 times in Kansas City Kansas. The is a step by step update from my cousin Staroyce Nealy, Kamari's mother.
The good news is it's been 5 days in with great progress and No major organs were hit. Liver and intestines are repaired. Stomach is sewed up. My 13 yr old son was shot 5 times. He was with his 2 older cousins. Kamari has been in Surgical ICU since Monday. We are working hard to get him off the ventilator and breathing on his own. We know miracles are working on his behalf. I'm heartbroken but I am strong and he is going to make it. Keep us lifted.
Update: July 30, 2021 11am
Breathing on his own with no Breathing tube or ventilator! Yayyy. We are currently in Pediatrics ICU as of yesterday which is a step up from being in RedZone in Surgical ICU. KJ is weaning off some stronger meds. So changes in balancing his meds this morning was just what he needs to hear when he wakes up from napping. The last 2 nights here in the hospital has been very trying because of the pain. 1 hour sleep at a time but we got this. Drs. Just did morning rounds and God is in control. Very happy with updates! No pic attached on purpose, I wouldn't want you to have to unsee this. As a mom I had to see the bigger than a softball hole opening from stomach surgery which he still has a deep vacuum pack in the middle of stomach on and hopefully the vacuum pack keeps closing stomach more so there will only be a small surgery to close... And a bullet wound deeper than a pinky getting filled with gauge was also quite challenging to finally see. We okay now though! More good news is....He could be out of ICU by the end of the weekend! Ng feed tube may come out tomorrow, then he can start back eating! We are getting stronger and stronger!