Kameron Kicking Cancer
Donation protected
Hello, my name is Kameron Arnold and I am a normally healthy 26 year old male. About a month ago, on a Saturday, I woke up with excruciating pain on my right side. After going to the ER for what I thought might be appendicitis or kidney stones, I was informed that I had stones in my right testicle and was referred to a urologist. At that appointment the "C" word was dropped. The dark shadows that were showing from the scans on the right side of my testicle, showed a biopsy would need to be performed to determine what was really going on. I would go into surgery, a week later, not knowing if I would lose my right testicle or be able to keep it. During the procedure they did 4 different biopsies on the right testicle and found there were no cancer cells there, but there were some abnormalities of skin tissue and the docs thought it best to remove it, so we didn't have to find out later that there were cancer cells hiding and have to go back in.
Then the fun part, behind the testicles, back up against my spine there is a mass attached to my lymph nodes, that as of today they are calling stage 2 Testicular Cancer. My doctor is thinking that this area is where the cancer from my testicle attached itself to after coming out of the testicle, just a hunch.
More biopsies, tests and scans will now determine for sure what type of tissue we are dealing with back there and what route treatment will all be determined from that outcome.
Now we wait for referrals to see the Testicular Cancer Specialists from UCSF to determine what type biopsy, surgery, chemo, radiation, treatment, etc. I have a great support group, but can use all the prayers you can send up.
Please help Kameron and his family in any way that you can. Kameron is facing much larger than average medical expenses and we’ve no idea what to expect. It will be a long journey ahead, and we all hope that financial burden is one thing that he will not need to be worried about.
This has been a complete shock to us all, as everyone can imagine. We ask that you keep Kam in your thoughts and prayers,
Thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts for any donation, big or small - every single penny helps.
We will be sure to update you as Kam’s journey progresses. On behalf of The Arnold family, thank you❤️
Joshua 1:6 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
In the great words of my dad during his cancer battle, “Positive, Without the Pity.”
Teri Arnold
Woodland, CA