Master Sup's Stop Bullying Now
Donation protected
America we have a big bullying and gang problem. I need your help. My program has existed since 1999 with every nickel and dime of my own money to keep my very important program alive. I need your caring support to keep this program going America. Our mission is to open up a new Operation Save Our Young Tomorrow's Leaders Character Building Mixed Martial Arts BootCamp Youth Program 15,000 sq ft facility! This is an S.O.S. call. It will take a healthy village that cares. You see what's going on in Chicago! It is time for change. I say enough is enough! I am asking for all of those who care to join me. Join my movement now. How can you help? You can donate directly here and/or purchase a Master Sup's Stop Bullying Now Movement T-shirt. Please read more information about the program here and also on our website at https://mastersupsworldfitness.com/stop-bullying-now
Join us NOW!

This is an antibullying gang awareness intervention program.
Im Master Sup & I'm mad as h*ll! Are you!? Over 77% of our young tomorrows leaders age groups are being bullied in schools.
Every 7 minutes a child is being bullied. Over 1,000,000 of god's children are abused, molested, abducted, bullied, & joining gangs every year.
wakeup everybody, no more sleeping in bed. Enough is Enough! America we the people have no excuses to not stop this evil now. I speak to 1,000's os god's children about this problem all the time. Enough is enough people! We must protect the children. Join my team now!. Family, friends, mothers, fathers, pastors, churches, business owners, community leaders, everybody, I need your support for this big problem.
Calling all villages this is an S.O.S call!
Master Sup is making our children a great part of society, not menaces to society. 7 days a week 24-7 his mission is making our children safe in America. His program works!
Master Sup's youth program travels all over the USA & other countries also to different levels of martial arts tournaments.
That is part of the character building process with a martial arts military mixed system.
Villages must team up together to stop gang evil. All the killing has to stop. Together, we the villages can stop this evil. Enough is enough. We have to use the same courage, wisdom, empowerment, & energy that was there in the 60s. The time is now. So come on with your come on. Join Master Sup's team & together, we will save our youth in our communities. Are you mad as h*ll? Enough is Enough! It's time to sweep away this gang crime in our communities now. We can do it together
Order your Stop Bullying Now Team T-shirt Now!
Join the Movement Now!
Thank you very much for your caring support!

World 10 times Brick Breaking Champion Master Sup has a solution to the problem that no one has ever thought of, looking to expand his Anti-Bullying and Gang awareness youth program in Jersey City.

Master Sup performing at the Black Belt World Hall of Fame Inductee Ceremony, held at the most famous arena in the world, Madison Square Garden. He's to first to perform breaking concrete bricks with a tuxedo on!

THIS IS A S.O.S YOUTH EMERGENCY!!! PLEASE PASS THE WORD!!! Master Sup's program has been proven since 1999 with youth results guaranteed. His passion is to save our young tomorrow's leaders with Martial Arts.
He's always been working with kids since the beginning of time. Master Sup's program now has the opportunity to have his own house for our young tomorrow's leaders. To train them using character building.
Starting with
- Focus, control, respect, honor, courage, faith, leadership, teamwork and more. His operation is a no-tolerance rule, meaning a yes sir, no sir, yes ma'am, no ma'am guide throughout the whole program on respect.
We know the problem, but what is the solution. This is where Master Sup's program comes in at.

- The young mind, body and soul is a terrible thing to waste. So we need you to support the answer in community. Key words, character building and respect to the result.

- We're sending out a SOS to our great city. Jersey City faces a Youth Emergency, and a relentless champion needs our help to take his anti bullying, gang awareness formula to another level. Jersey City's own Master Sup is a living legend who has travelled the world to work with the finest Martial Arts masters on earth.

- Since 1999 Master Sup applied a single minded focus to one task: connecting with the youth of Jersey CIty at critical junctures in their development and providing them a path through the discipline of Martial Arts.

- Master Sup had worked with over 10,000 kids over the past 10 years

- Master Sup brings an authenticity, a world class resume, passion and a proven formula for empowering to connect with and focus on the power of challenging themselves to grow physically and mentally. With the help of your donations, he can expand his work to reach far more boys, girls, women and men before they fall into the dangerous cycle of the lifestyle on the street.

His mission is to change them from menaces of society to being a part of society, a better person to a success as a young tomorrows leader. The mission is real. So with your help we can make a better tomorrow. He is a 10x World Brick Breaking and Fighting Champion. Multiple Time Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee.
He has produced real results with many children with the Boys and Girls Club for 9 years and running with his program Anti-Bullying and Gang Awareness Operation Save our young tomorrow's leaders. World Mi-Bo-Soulpower Empowerment needs help to open up a Karate Character Building Academy in Jersey City to help the problem with the youth and street issues that are happening in the urban areas and suburbs in America.

- To stop the bullying, abuse, molestation and gang violence. This will be the foundation, if you really care about helping with this very serious youth problem, we need your help.
- Please support, give whatever your heart desires for this much needed program. Money will be used for renovation, demolition, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and program equipment.

- Bullying is a big problem!! Over 77% of all school age children are bullied, PERIOD! Every 7 minutes a child is bullied. This is a big problem, enough is enough. I am Master Sup, i need your help and support now. Investing in youth, strengthening our communities with character, leadership and more. It will take villages of support. It will take your support.
I am counting on you as a team for change that we need in our community. If you want to know more about Master Sup and his program, his facebook is Master Sup's Bootcamp. God Bless thank you Very Much.
Join us NOW!

This is an antibullying gang awareness intervention program.
Im Master Sup & I'm mad as h*ll! Are you!? Over 77% of our young tomorrows leaders age groups are being bullied in schools.
Every 7 minutes a child is being bullied. Over 1,000,000 of god's children are abused, molested, abducted, bullied, & joining gangs every year.
wakeup everybody, no more sleeping in bed. Enough is Enough! America we the people have no excuses to not stop this evil now. I speak to 1,000's os god's children about this problem all the time. Enough is enough people! We must protect the children. Join my team now!. Family, friends, mothers, fathers, pastors, churches, business owners, community leaders, everybody, I need your support for this big problem.
Calling all villages this is an S.O.S call!
Master Sup is making our children a great part of society, not menaces to society. 7 days a week 24-7 his mission is making our children safe in America. His program works!
Master Sup's youth program travels all over the USA & other countries also to different levels of martial arts tournaments.
That is part of the character building process with a martial arts military mixed system.
Villages must team up together to stop gang evil. All the killing has to stop. Together, we the villages can stop this evil. Enough is enough. We have to use the same courage, wisdom, empowerment, & energy that was there in the 60s. The time is now. So come on with your come on. Join Master Sup's team & together, we will save our youth in our communities. Are you mad as h*ll? Enough is Enough! It's time to sweep away this gang crime in our communities now. We can do it together
Order your Stop Bullying Now Team T-shirt Now!
Join the Movement Now!
Thank you very much for your caring support!

World 10 times Brick Breaking Champion Master Sup has a solution to the problem that no one has ever thought of, looking to expand his Anti-Bullying and Gang awareness youth program in Jersey City.

Master Sup performing at the Black Belt World Hall of Fame Inductee Ceremony, held at the most famous arena in the world, Madison Square Garden. He's to first to perform breaking concrete bricks with a tuxedo on!

THIS IS A S.O.S YOUTH EMERGENCY!!! PLEASE PASS THE WORD!!! Master Sup's program has been proven since 1999 with youth results guaranteed. His passion is to save our young tomorrow's leaders with Martial Arts.
He's always been working with kids since the beginning of time. Master Sup's program now has the opportunity to have his own house for our young tomorrow's leaders. To train them using character building.
Starting with
- Focus, control, respect, honor, courage, faith, leadership, teamwork and more. His operation is a no-tolerance rule, meaning a yes sir, no sir, yes ma'am, no ma'am guide throughout the whole program on respect.
We know the problem, but what is the solution. This is where Master Sup's program comes in at.

- The young mind, body and soul is a terrible thing to waste. So we need you to support the answer in community. Key words, character building and respect to the result.

- We're sending out a SOS to our great city. Jersey City faces a Youth Emergency, and a relentless champion needs our help to take his anti bullying, gang awareness formula to another level. Jersey City's own Master Sup is a living legend who has travelled the world to work with the finest Martial Arts masters on earth.

- Since 1999 Master Sup applied a single minded focus to one task: connecting with the youth of Jersey CIty at critical junctures in their development and providing them a path through the discipline of Martial Arts.

- Master Sup had worked with over 10,000 kids over the past 10 years

- Master Sup brings an authenticity, a world class resume, passion and a proven formula for empowering to connect with and focus on the power of challenging themselves to grow physically and mentally. With the help of your donations, he can expand his work to reach far more boys, girls, women and men before they fall into the dangerous cycle of the lifestyle on the street.

His mission is to change them from menaces of society to being a part of society, a better person to a success as a young tomorrows leader. The mission is real. So with your help we can make a better tomorrow. He is a 10x World Brick Breaking and Fighting Champion. Multiple Time Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee.
He has produced real results with many children with the Boys and Girls Club for 9 years and running with his program Anti-Bullying and Gang Awareness Operation Save our young tomorrow's leaders. World Mi-Bo-Soulpower Empowerment needs help to open up a Karate Character Building Academy in Jersey City to help the problem with the youth and street issues that are happening in the urban areas and suburbs in America.

- To stop the bullying, abuse, molestation and gang violence. This will be the foundation, if you really care about helping with this very serious youth problem, we need your help.
- Please support, give whatever your heart desires for this much needed program. Money will be used for renovation, demolition, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and program equipment.

- Bullying is a big problem!! Over 77% of all school age children are bullied, PERIOD! Every 7 minutes a child is bullied. This is a big problem, enough is enough. I am Master Sup, i need your help and support now. Investing in youth, strengthening our communities with character, leadership and more. It will take villages of support. It will take your support.
I am counting on you as a team for change that we need in our community. If you want to know more about Master Sup and his program, his facebook is Master Sup's Bootcamp. God Bless thank you Very Much.
Carlos Nwankwo
Jersey City, NJ