Karla Lissette Vargas
Donation protected
A todos los amigos y familiares que querian y amaban a Karla, les pedimos que se haga una pequeña donación para ayudar a nuestra familia a cubrir el costo de nuestra trágica pérdida. Cualquier cantidad ayudará a que su funeral sea digno de la persona que era y ayudará a aliviar nuestros corazones heridos.
To all the friends and family who cared for and loved Karla, we ask that a small donation be made to help our family cover the cost of our tragic loss. Any amount will help make his funeral worthy of the person she was and help ease our aching hearts.
Karla was a loving daughter, sister and single mother who brought a distinctive joy to family and friends, while trying to do better in life for her daughter and herself.
Eddy Vargas
Providence, RI