Donation protected
Due to the unfortunate events of the Man of Soul(Karon White) passing.The White family is asking for the audience to help with his last performance.Karon left us on Thursday Dec.21.His death was truly the shock of hour for his family,friends,and fans.He went to spend the night with his Auntie on a regular Wednesday.He sat and drunk coffee that Thursday morning with his favorite Auntie.He walked up stairs only to never walk back down.
She said she heard a hard bang and ran upstairs to check on him and he was unresponsive.This has left his family devastated with no real answers and no closure.As we await for the report to be released to find out why our love one has left us so suddenly,we must still at this time prepare for the Man of Soul performance.The White family would appreciate and is turning to his love one's and audience to help us prepare him for his final show.Due to the fact that Karon did not have life insurance at the time of his passing we would like to give him the LOVE he gave the world by putting him away with dignity and Love,which is what the man of soul is!
At this time we would like to let you all know that the smallest donation would help us and be greatly appreciated.
Thank you again,The White Family!
For questions and concerns
Malika(sister) (313)721. 2806
(248)993-8342 Aaliah(niece)
Anybody that prefers Cash app as a form of payment you can send donations below.
Please we are desperately asking everyone to send any and all photos and videos of Karon to the phone numbers above Thank you.
Make sure to blast his music through your speakers link below
Malika White
Detroit, MI