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Help Kassie

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Most of you read on Facebook that Kassie has had some medical issues these last few weeks.  She suffered from a stroke on Wednesday, April 1st.  Worst April Fools joke ever, am I right? Luckily, Kassie was pulling into the hospital parking lot at the time for her clinical fieldwork and security was able to rush her to the ER.  They found a large tear in her right vertebral artery, which in trying to heal itself, formed multiple blood clots.  She was sent to the Neuro ICU and stayed for the rest of the week.  Last Friday she had an angiogram which showed that the blood clot was in her artery wall, blocking 95% of blood flow and not dissolving.  Over Easter weekend she was moved down to the stroke floor in the neuro institute and started several rounds of multiple blood thinners.  She is currently on day 9 in the hospital and isn't sure when she'll get to leave.  The doctors also just gave her several restrictions for the next three months, including  she will be unable to work.
I know this is a lot of medical information to take in, but basically, I want to help my friend.  Take some stress out of her and her husband, Chris's lives and give them  one less thing to worry about.  They will be facing a huge life style change, along with crazy medical bills - - all on one income.
$3000 will only cover half of what they will need, but I figured every little bit helps.  And, of course, prayers and well wishes are just as important and so appreciated if that's all you can do at this time.
Thanks so much for supporting my friend in any way that you can.

Love and Hugs,

Brooke Cox


  • Owen Donohoe
    • $1,000
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Brooke Turner Cox
Lee's Summit, MO
Kassandra Dewitt

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