Medical Bills for Katy
I just had a middle fossa craniotomy to repair a hole in my skull betwen my inner ear and my brain. The medical name for this syndrome is called Superior Canal Dehiscence. This was my third brain surgery to correct one of these holes. I had two done about 5 years ago on the right side- this is my first on the left.
It causes all sorts of horrid symptoms, the worst being noise induced vertigo, or vestibular hyperacusis - when I hear certain sounds - they don't even have to be loud, I feel like I'm on a boat in a bad storm. The other major symptom is something called autophony, I could hear all my internal body noises - my heart beat, stomach digesting, foot falls, my hair moving against my scalp, chewing, and most spectacurally, when I was in a quiet enough room, I could hear my eyes move back and forth in my eye sockets.
I'm asking for help to pay for the tests and treatments that Medicaid doesn't cover. There was a great deal of vestibular testing before a postive diagnosis was made that is not covered by Medicaid, and while they paid for the surgery, they won't pay for the post-surgery vestibular physical therapy that I need to be able move freely again.
Also, because I fall a lot, and was continuously injuring myself, it was no longer safe for me to live alone, so I moved back in with my dad. We have had to make some remodels to his 125 year old farm house to make it handicap accessable for me to be able to safely navigate it.