Kaua`i Sailing Association
Tax deductible
Kaua`i Sailing Association's mission is to teach life skills through marine awareness. This includes sailing programs, marine education, conservation and community outreach.
To renew the lease on our facilities in Nawiliwili Harbor, the state of Hawaii has tasked us with $116,000 worth of improvements to our building to include a new roof, new floor and painting inside and out. This will enable us to run our educational programs that currently involve over 250 kids a year. These improvements must be completed by 12/31/2022. The first $20,000 has a very generous donation as a match to bring in double your donation.
Though this task seems daunting, with your help, we can continue to serve the Kaua`i community.
Kauai Sailing
Lihue, HI
Kauai Sailing Association