KAW Charity 2020
KAW Charity is presenting "Nilaamazha - Live Musical Show" with renowned playback singers Jyotsna Radhakrishnan, K.K Nishad, Ralfin Stephen (Keyboard) & Band on September 26th Saturday 6:30 PM Pacific Time. We are partnering with Care & Share as well as Stand with Kerala (Dallas) to raise $30,000 in 10 days for:
1) ($20,000) Urgent help for a 16 year old girl suffering from acute myeloid leukemia (Our original target was $10,000, but as the girl is being moved to Vellore Hospital on 9/27 Sunday and as she needs a Bone Marrow Transplant as well, the total needed to support her is over 15 lakhs)
2) ($5,000) Donate a Ventilator for Pathanamthitta Govt. Hospital
3) ($5,000) Seattle Children's Hospital.
For details, kindly visit:
1) http://careandshare.com/helpmegha.html
2) https://www.kaow.org/kawcharity.html
(IF you are donating on the show day (9/26), please email us at [email redacted] to make sure we get you the tickets without any delays)