Kayla Montano
I am a close friend of the Montano family
and I know they would never ask for the
help so I am stepping in
to hopefully get the assistance they need.
Kayla is only 20 years old and
loves sports. A beautiful child of God! She
is currently in the hospital in Abilene
where she was living while she attended
Abilene Christian University. She was diagnosed with a brain
hemorrhage, an autoimmune disease and
COVID-19. Her hometown is Houston. She sincerely needs to be
transferred to the Houston Medical Center in order to obtain the medical treatment
she needs due to the hospital in Abilene
not being equipped with the medical attention she needs. Please support and donate any
amount to have her transferred to Houston ASAP.
Kayla’s parents are Christian pastors and
the whole family all live for God
daily. The Montano family have always
been there to support anyone in need and most importantly have provided prayers at any time of the day. (I know I have called them at 2am for prayer) The Montanos have gone on many mission trips to help
the hungry, homeless and for those in hospitals for many many years.
Now it’s their turn to receive the support
they have unselfishly given out many times over.
(Prayers, support and love).
Thanking you in advance for your prayers
and donation. ♥️