Kaylee’s Breast Cancer Journey
I’m Lindsey Mallory, Kaylee Gwyn’s younger sister (15 months). Kaylee and I have literally grown up together, shared a room & have been pretty much hand in hand in the seasons of life, this is one season I can’t relate to, but I know that I will be right next to her every step of the way.
Kaylee is a 30 year old wife & mother of two.
Kaylee was recently diagnosed with breast cancer in both breasts, and is facing the possibility of a double mastectomy, within the month.
Further testing will be happening in the coming days and weeks. We will update this page frequently as we have answers.
We have had many people reach out asking what they can do, or how they can help. As of now this is easiest way for people to help abundantly. This will allow Kaylee & Ben to focus on this journey & healing.
Anything you can donate is greatly appreciated