Kayley’s Fresh Start
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Every little girl dream of their wedding day.
We were all on cloud nine as we headed down to an Air BNB in Llanrhidian on Thursday 15th September 2022. We spent the evening being our usual silly selves, messing around, dancing, singing, making quirky videos and reminiscing over our time as best friends for 11 years. Blissfully unaware, us maids of honour and bridesmaids celebrated and cheered to our Kayley the night before her wedding.
We woke up at 6:20am to the make-up artist arriving, shortly followed by the photographer, videographer and hairdresser. We were all beyond excited to be getting ready for Kayley’s big day. Friday 16th September 2022 was going to be a day to remember forever.
Then, at 7:10am came a phone call no one was expecting from one of the groomsmen. He called one of the maids of honour to explain that the groom had ‘gone’. We were told he had left the Caravan they were staying at in Oxwich Bay (the venue) at 12:30am to visit his family, who were staying in another caravan nearby and hadn’t returned. When they woke in the morning, he was not there and his car had gone. His family explained to the best man/groomsmen that he had left and was not returning.
As her maids of honour/bridesmaids/best friends we were left to tell her the devastating news, that the man she thought was her soul mate was gone. Kayley handled it incredibly well and said he’ll be there with all the hope in her heart. “I know he’ll be there. I’m not worried.” So, we all continued getting ready as normal. In the meantime, we all tried contacting him to tell him she was getting ready and will be there at 1:00pm so she could marry him. As the groomsmen were setting up the venue the morning of, we asked them to continue doing so as Kayley had faith he’d be there.
At 10:30am, the groom’s dad called Kayley’s phone and we answered as she was getting her make-up done. He advised he had spoken to the groom from a blocked number (groom had called him); said he was safe but wouldn’t disclose his location and confirmed he was not going to be there to get married.
We were completely heartbroken and questioned why he was not going to be there. We questioned why he was not doing the decent thing by telling her this himself and why he was doing this to her when there had been no indication that he was leaving her prior to the day of their wedding. His poor dad didn’t have any answers for us and assured us he was doing all could to get him to phone Kayley as he owed her an explanation. We begged him to tell him that if he had any respect or love for her, he would call her to give her a chance to speak with him. All she wanted was a chance to speak to her groom.
Once again, we had to tell the most heart-breaking news to our girl that he confirmed he was not coming. At this point her mam and dad had also joined us and we had to break this dreadful news to them too. The groomsmen were anxiously awaiting our word as all Kayley’s family and guests arrived completely unaware that the marriage was not going ahead.
Kayley, with all her strength composed herself with a shred of hope he was going to be there. She had decided she was going to face the day with or without him. Her heart breaking, she carried on with her wedding day not wanting to waste everyone’s time, money and effort. We all put our dresses on and passed along the message to the groomsmen that we were going ahead and to not share the news with the guest. We put on her bridal gown and accessories. She was the most beautiful bride we had ever seen. We all shook ourselves and decided we were going to be half as strong as she was to attend her wedding without her groom.
Her older brother arrived to take her to the venue. We got her into the car and set off ourselves. As we arrived, we were told the groom and his family were nowhere to be seen. All we saw were the groomsmen sadly waiting outside for us to arrive, knowing that we had to go in and break the news to the wedding guests who were all waiting in the ceremony room. We had asked all the groomsmen and bridesmaids to go into the venue and take their seats whilst us maids of honour discussed what we were going to say to the wedding guests.
One of the most difficult things we have ever had to do was stand in front of a room full of all ours and our bride’s friends and family to share the dreadful news that our Kayley was not getting married as the groom had left her. We had to invite them all to stay to support her as she got through the day. After breaking the news to them, we asked them all to go outside and wait for Kayley as she understandably did not want to enter the ceremony room.
After an overwhelming amount of support from the guests, Kayley had to walk to the wedding marquee and grieve what would have been her dream wedding. Her family and friends did everything they could to put a smile on her broken-hearted face as she went through the day. She faced everything with her maids of honour/bridesmaids by her side going through all of what would have been her firsts with her husband, like the strongest most courageous woman we’ve ever known. We faced the top table together, we carried her through the entrance, the meal, the speeches, the cutting of the cake, the first dance, and all the smaller details such as sparklers, photo booths and countless other activities she had on through the day.
We took her to bed and spent the night with her on what would have been the first night of their forever. Instead, it was a night full of dread as she had to face her reality again and again every time she woke to find him not there. The next morning, she woke and sobbed that the ‘easy’ part was over as we kept her busy and surrounded her with love. The hard part was to come.
She’s now home to reality with no husband and her future plans and dreams all ripped away from her. She had to face an empty room filled with all his belongings. Trust us, she will never be alone as long as we live. We are picking up the pieces of her broken heart and life as we now navigate this process, but we could never give her back what he has taken from her. We can never give her back the unconditional trust she had for the people she meets and for the people she loves. He has completely tainted her future and she will always carry this with her. No one in the world deserves to feel heartache like this, least of all Kayley.
Kayley has a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone. She always puts others needs before her own. Kayley is the most selfless person anyone could meet and has grown up having to look after and care for her mum. She is the kindest friend anyone could ask for and is the life and soul of the party. She’s the bigger person in every situation and always takes the high road no matter how she feels or how devastated she is left.
She did not deserve to be left on the morning of her wedding day with no explanation and zero contact from the groom.
She has supported her ex-partner throughout their whole relationship. He lived with her parents, she supported him through endless employments breaks and carried him through countless career changes. Kayley paid for the wedding herself with hardly any help from her groom. Kayley spent all her life savings on what she thought would have been her perfect day to be left heartbroken.
He didn’t utter one word to her. She pleaded that he get in touch with her directly so she could reason with him or at least ask him why, but he would not and still to this day has not spoken to her or given an ounce of an explanation. We want to express that he proposed to her and she happily accepted thinking it was what they both wanted.
As her best friends and family, we want to help build a fresh start for her where she never has to suffer financially from the aftermath of this ordeal! Please give what you can or share this far and wide so we can get her the clean slate she deserves and needs.
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the groomsmen that stayed by her side the whole day. We know it took a lot of strength for them to be there. Special thanks to the videographer - Connor (First Class Films) and photographer - Neil (Neil Jones Photography) who were incredible! Thank you to the venue Oxwich Bay for being especially accommodating. Last but not least, thank you to everyone who attended on the day to see her through her pain and suffering and help us celebrate her and her alone. We appreciate you all being there for our girl and will never be able to repay the support you gave her.
Kayley, we all love you with all our hearts. You are the strongest person we know and we will carry you through this until the day you get to walk on your own two feet again. You deserve the world and so much more. Lots of love, Jordie, Katie, Emma, Hannah, Neea, Baby Katie, Abigail, Ffion and Lowri AKA your maids of honours and bridesmaids.
Jordie Cullen