Air Transportation and Medical Expenses
On January 19th, 2020, my sister Anika Walters was en route to board her flight back to London, Ontario from Montego Bay, Jamaica. Tragically, the car that she was being transported in met in a head on motor vehicle collision with a local tour bus. Anika received serious injuries and is currently hospitalized at the Cornwall Reginal Hospital. Her injuries sustained are:
- Two broken legs
- Right broken arm
- Broken femoral bones
- Several broken long bones
- Fractured orbitals
- Fractured cheek bones
- Fractured skull
- Fractured jaw
- Deep face Lacerations
- Concussion
- Loss of teeth
Anika is a mother of 6 children ages 4 – 21 years old, and this tragedy is now impacting their lives with the younger ones not being able to process what has happened to their mom. This accident has left our entire family devastated. Besides being a caregiver, Anika is also involved in her community. She has always demonstrated a willingness to help others in their time of need and find happiness and fulfillment in being there for people. Her family, friends and community miss her dearly!
As it stands, our family is unable to cover the cost for her medical expenses. Therefore, we are pleading with the public for any sort of financial support you can donate to our GoFundMe account. We urgently seek funds to get Anika airlifted back home for surgery and to cover her medical expenses (both current and future ones). This will include extensive physiotherapy that she will need to get back on her feet.
To view the news article link: Click Here
Thank you for taking the time to read this, we truly appreciate whatever you can assist our family with.
Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” – Helen Keller