Support Lakota Cultural Practices
Final Words:
I would like to express my gratitude for all beings, even those who have tried to undermine the continuation of this cultural practice and especially for those who have donated. After many trials and tribulations we have raised thousands of dollars in tax deductable charitable donations getting closer to our fundraising goal of $10,000.00. Because of the untrue accusations leveled at Lee, myself and the White Horse Creek Council, several weeks ago a council meeting was held on Pine Ridge where 97% of those in attendance voiced their support of this event. We are grateful that the community of White Horse Creek and Manderson have rallied towards preserving this traditional cultural practice.
Even though the sniping, insults and false accusations have continued on Facebook, we have deleted the comments posted to this page by 'La Donna Many Horses', asking that people refrain from posting negative comments, and to not blaspheme these cultural practices.
Whether or not this goal is met, this ceremony will happen in the White Horse Creek Valley, just as it did for the almost hundred years that it was deemed an 'Indian Offense' and landed you in jail. Deep taproots grow when forced underground, and this dance upon the land is only strengthened by those who would blaspheme it.
Work on the grounds has continued and prior to last weeks ground blessing, Charlie Plenty Wolf and I took drone video footage of the tribal lands the cultural event will be held on. In accordance with the traditions of the Crazy Horse Band of the Oglala Lakota these are the last photos of the ceremony and grounds you will see, and attendees will be expected to respect this custom. Please enjoy the video which includes praying by Lee and make a tax deductable donation to help preserve this important cultural tradition.
Below is the text of this Fundraiser as it has appeared in the past month.
Second Edit:
This campaign was originally worded and written in an intentional manner in order to protect and preserve what many people and I hold to be sacred. For this reason I refrained from introducing myself because who I am doesn't really matter and I didn't want to make this campaign about me. However because of a series of unsubstantiated allegations, GoFundMe is asking me to tell you about myself. If what I say offends you, please lay the blame solely on me and not the people that this campaign benefits.
I am known to the Plenty Wolf Family of the Oglala Lakota as Kuyapi, which means well done or burned to a crisp. I was given this name because after keeping the fire going for this event in 2015, I seriously burned myself, spending 7 days in the hospital and undergoing surgery to treat Second Degree Burns on my arms and legs. I am also named Inclusive Recognition of the Heart by the Order of Interbeing Sangha of Thich Nhat Hanh. Sometimes I use the pen name and public intellectual persona of Gary Roland on Twitter, when I write, when I make art, when I take direct action, and when I organize. My legal name is Tom if you must know.
Last year I was unable to make this event after I was assaulted by the Police in Boulder, Colorado, where I live, and was placed under court supervision. In Boulder I attend sweat lodge with the Plenty Wolf Family and get spiritual guidance from Lee Plenty Wolf. Lee is not always around, he must travel often to fulfill his committments as a spiritual leader and elder but I try to support and respect him as best I can. While persevering through the stresses of my trial and acquittal I found Lee's wisdom and the support of the Oglala cultural practices invaluable in allowing me to forgive those who were persecuting me, and remain composed during my five day trial. When he asked me to set up this GoFundMe account to help raise the money necessary to hold this event, I gladly said I would.
The White Horse Creek Council is recognized by the IRS as a 501c(3) organization and has a Board. I am not a board member but a supporter, who seeks to do eveything I do in a good way. The White Horse Creek Council and Lee Plenty Wolf, are my teachers in this. During the cultural event this campaign is raising money for, no photos, recordings or videos are taken as a measure of respect, and similarly we have been extremely careful with the language of this campaign out of respect for the cultural traditions of the Oglala Lakota. In addition to being TAX DEDUCTABLE, all of your donations to this GoFundMe Campaign are routed through the PayPal Giving Fund to the White Horse Creek Council. GoFundMe and PayPal don't certify charities unless they are bona fide legit, so saying that this campaign is a scam is shameful and defames the very traditions that those who level these accusations claim they are trying to protect.
It is unfortunate that some people look to defame and slander honorable people who are raising money in a good way, in addition to giving it from they're own pockets, but it is not surprising given the times we find ourselves in. What follows is the Original Text of the campaign as it originally appeared, and as I said, if you find this page offensive, blame me:
In early June the White Horse Creek Council is hosting an event near Manderson, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Reservation to preserve the continuation of the cultural practices of the Oglala Lakota. This will be our 8th year near Manderson.
To make this event happen, $10,000 will be used to procure staple foods, hire cooks & security and cover the logistical costs of holding this event. This money will also be used to purchase firewood and support the fire keepers who must keep the fire burning for the entire duration of the event. In addition, modest support will be provided to participants and singers who are jobless, so that they may continue to sustain themselves for the rest of the year. At the end of the event there will be a community feast in celebration of the continuation of this important cultural lineage, to which the entire nearby town of Manderson will be invited.
Oglala Spiritual Leader Lee Plenty Wolf will be conducting this event on a site near his birthplace, and practicing this ceremony in front of a new generation of indigenous youth struggling to overcome the legacy of colonization, racism and the continued persecution of indigenous peoples. In the past year Lee has appeared in publications such as The New York Times, NPR, and the Pulitzer prize winning Inside Climate News as a result of his spiritual leadership and dedication as an elder to the Standing Rock Dakota Access Pipeline protests.
Please help rekindle the fires of Manderson, one of the most at-risk areas of the Pine Ridge Reservation by contributing to this campaign now.