Time to End Social Media Censorship
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Wow. I never thought things would end up where they are. After spending several weeks in May with my staff relentlessly analyzing YouTube’s algorithm, by June 3rd we cranked up video production with great excitement. For the first 5 days, each day outperformed the prior day, and it looked like things were finally back on track. Sadly, we were wrong. YouTube doubled down as I show you in the second video below titled, This Time, They've Gone Too Far! The first video gives a brief update on how much worse the censorship and crack down on free speech has gotten!
At least in part, because of my channel’s name and custom URL, YouTube is somehow blocking a HUGE amount of traffic to the channel daily. We used to have 85,000 views daily back in March before the boycott, and we did it with our eyes closed. Now, we’re barely hitting 22,000 views a day. Therefore, the following had to go:
Custom URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/RightWingConspirator
Channel Name: Right Wing News
In the following video, I give you an inside look into my YouTube dashboard to show you how my videos are being targeted. In a matter of days, you'll see my CPM drops to nearly zero; with no changes on my end whatsoever! Since Youtube is taking drastic action, so did I. The new channel name is “Today’s Yellow Snow!” Essentially, I picked the most absurd name I could think of, that was still somehow relevant. Enough is enough already! This all-out assault by the far-left on free speech has GOT to stop! There is also a brand new Vid.Me Channel that will hopefully eventually REPLACE YouTube!

We have now arrived at time in history when we have large globalist corporate empires looking to impose their own narrative on the world, and those who don’t comply and advance that narrative are subject to financial discrimination that basically results in de-facto censorship. Right now, social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google are on the warpath for anyone who doesn’t see eye to eye with them ideologically. This isn’t just hearsay either, we have the data to prove it, as you saw in the video above.
As always, your support is much appreciated. Even if you can’t support financially, please take two minutes to fill out a quick survey on how I can further improve this channel. There is a link in the notes of the video.
Unfortunately, this past week I had to lay off my staff, but one thing is for sure: I will keep fighting until the very end. The rest of my original plans below are still the goal.
We all know the mainstream media lies to us. Even on the rare occasions when they do tell us the truth, they only tell us a small fraction of it. That is precisely why the mainstream media, and most forms of social media including Facebook, Twitter, Google, and even YouTube now are doing everything in their power to silence dissent.
One of my favorite sayings is:
** “He who controls the information… controls.”
There is a reason the mainstream media and their globalist puppet masters keep the masses as ill-informed as possible; because it makes us easier to control or manipulate. They try to control the information flow. My #1 priority is to bring you news that the mainstream media refuses to. My question to you:
** "When did we reach a point in society when a person who asks questions of KNOWN LIARS has become a 'conspiracy theorist?'"
I don’t know, but I don’t plan to stop asking questions! To achieve my goal of 8 videos a day, with both of my employees paid, and to be able to slowly but surely save for studio equipment and a virtual set is not easy. Prior to YouTube’s most recent shenanigans, it wasn’t such a daunting task, but for now, until we know more about what will, and what won’t be censored by Youtube moving forward, the goal is to achieve $10,000 per month.
I, Michael DePinto , come from a background as a stock broker many years ago, and more recently as an attorney who is licensed, however I never chose to practice. Instead, before the days of censorship gone wild, I decided to pursue my long-standing desire to bring truth to the people.
Right now, our country is at a critical point in its already storied existence. The Mainstream Media, once referred to as the fourth branch of government, or the Fourth Estate, has completely and utterly failed at being the eyes and ears of “We the People,” and it does so daily when it fails to bring the American people anything that remotely resembles honest or reliable news.
Despite all the hard work that went into attending law school and becoming an attorney late in life, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m committed to one goal, and one goal only: Making the Mainstream Media a bit less relevant every single day of my life, one viewer at a time if need be, and I plan to do so by bringing people news that the mainstream media won’t.
Operating on nothing more than a shoestring budget, and in barely over three months time, I’ve grown “Right Wing News” to over 44,000 subscribers, more than 10,000,000 views, and a staff of three. Thanks to YouTube’s latest censorship efforts which cut my revenue by over 90% without warning, I am now forced to seek outside funds to maintain my staff, and eventually grow the channel to a larger operation.
Because of my background, much of my reporting comes from an economic, or legal vantage point. Other topics I frequently cover include how liberal insanity is destroying our youth, our education system, and our country in general, political scandals, and while I generally steer away from “conspiracy theory,” “conspiracy fact” is a whole different issue, and one I enjoy thoroughly.
As a small independent news outlet, Right Wing News has tremendous flexibility to respond quickly when news breaks, without the same bureaucratic editorial censorship of larger networks. Powered by a staff of only three people at present, it is estimated we can operate on a meager budget of about 10k per month.
At one time we could rely on our partnership with YouTube to generate supplemental revenue. However youtube has become increasingly hostile to news and information related to geopolitical conflicts and controversial politics. Now we want to partner with YOU through my page at Patreon, for those who prefer to give a smaller, but monthly commitment, as well as PayPal, or my effort here at Go-Fund-Me. By partnering with you, the public, we hope to overcome our dependency on the YouTube Partnership Program and be more focused on producing content that you want to see.
Become a Right Wing News Insider today by partnering with us on either Patreon, PayPal, or here at Go-Fund-Me. Not only will you have the pride of knowing you're in the driver's seat of an influential news outlet, but you'll also get insider access to the online Newsroom. That puts YOU in the driver’s seat of a news organization that by May of 2017 should have over 50,000 SUBSCRIBERS and 10,000,000 VIEWS since only beginning to upload videos 6 months ago back in October of 2016. My goal is to be over 100,000 subscribers and 25,000,000 views by July, but I cannot do that without YOUR help!
Funds raised will go toward:
**Maintaining current staff
**Purchasing new equipment
**Hiring a video editor
**Hiring a Producer
**Hiring more researchers and writers
**Eventually hiring more Correspondents
Fellow patriots, at this crucial point in our nation’s history, information and knowledge are key. They may very well become the difference between retaining, or losing this republic of ours. Thomas Jefferson once said,
** “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was, and what never will be.”
Right now we have a country overflowing with people who expect to remain ignorant, and yet still maintain their freedoms. I’m asking for your help to begin waking them up!
In some cases we'll deliver you the news before we release it to the general public. That will enabling you to be the first to break news to your social networks. You'll become a trusted source people will rely on. You are the key. Commit just a small monthly contribution supporting a genuine effort to deliver the hard news so we can educate and activate the people of the world.
Get started as a Patron of Right Wing News Network today for just $5 per month - and we’ll promise to deliver the news YOU want, and rightfully deserve!

AKA Michael DePinto
[email redacted]
Michael DePinto
Jacksonville, FL