Keep Shaun Smiling
Yesterday we got the heart sinking news that my grandson Shaun (my son and daughter in law Cody and Sierra's baby) has leukemia. He is only 21 months old and he is getting surgery today to add a port to start chemo today. He's had to have a very large blood transfusion and had been in the hospital since early Wednesday morning.
Cody and Sierra have been by his side the whole time. Cody works and doesn't have the leave so bills will start building quickly.
Shaun will have a long hard road ahead with Dr's and hospital. The whole family will have a tough emotional and financial struggle. If we could help take just a little of the financial stress off them that would be awesome and appreciated beyond words.
Please keep Shaun and whole Family in your daily prayers that he may have a complete recovery.
Thank you so much.
Will try to keep updates coming