Save the Delta Legion
The Delta American Legion Post A.E.E.E.W. #373 was founded in 1921 after WW 1. The letters are a memorial of Agsten, Elton, Ellinwood, and Wright, men from Delta OH who gave their lives during WW1. It is a 503-C19 charity.
The Delta Legion building is a great asset to Delta, Fulton County and the surrounding area. It is rented for wedding receptions, birthday and graduation parties, and either donated or rented at a reduced price for benefits, blood drives, town hall meetings, school functions, corporations, tornado safe place and many other activities. Located on the property are landmarks designating it as a place where the Underground Railroad had a safe haven.
As has happened to many businesses because of the COVID crisis, the legion’s income has been drastically reduced, leading to the necessity of raising immediate funds or lose the building. This would be a great loss for the Delta community and surrounding areas. The present payoff mortgage is $403,056.26. Interest only payments have been made for months and a few were even missed.
With the loosening of COVID health restrictions we are planning other fundraising opportunities but we desperately need your help now with any amount you can comfortably donate so we can keep this vital asset to the community alive and well.