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Keep the Light in Tiki with Life Saving Surgery

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I'm raising money to benefit Tiki who is a New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue puppy, and any donation, even $1 will make a difference in her young life.
Meet little Tiki, she is only 6 months old and has Persistent Right Aortic Arch (PRAA). PRAA is when the esophagus is trapped between a blood vessel of the heart and the heart itself. This inhibits the growth and function of the esophagus, thus restricting food passage to the stomach and getting tighter and tighter with each passing day which means that she will soon not be able to get any nutrition or water at all.
We are doing everything we can to get good nutrition into her little body, but time is of the essence, we are most literally racing against her own body growing.
This is an expensive surgery, and we can't do this alone........neither can her loving family. Tiki is being cared for by CVETS in Columbia, SC and her surgeon is Dr. Wolfe, he is an amazing veterinarian and genuinely loves the animals that he helps (please see attached estimates, one for her CT with Contrast and the other for her surgery, she must have the CT with contrast first, so they know exactly what to expect during the surgery). We can't do this without your help and are begging for the life of this amazing puppy. Tiki has such a strong will to live and shows it every time that she sits up on her little chair ready for every liquid meal and every drop of water. Won't you show Tiki your love and kindness by donating to her lifesaving surgery, we are so grateful, and Tiki is sending lots of kisses. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to us.

To Mail a Donation:
New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue, Inc.
6461 Old State Rd. Holly Hill, SC 29059
Venmo Donation: @Julia-Rollison-2


Julie Ulmer Rollison
Holly Hill, SC
New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue

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