Keep the Lights On for Strengthen Our Sisters
Tax deductible
Shelter for homeless battered women and children struggling to pay monthly utility bills!
Strengthen Our Sisters has provided housing and supportive services to thousands of women and children since 1991. The shelter is struggling to keep its doors open as the utility bills pile up. By the end of the month, the shelter owes more than $100,000 in utility-related bills it can't afford to pay. The shelter has struggled financially since government funding was drastically cut in 2012. Strengthen Our Sisters is completely volunteer-run and, for many of its residents, a last resort for women and children struggling to get back on their feet. Some creditors are lenient with Strengthen Our Sisters and are willing to work out a payment arrangement, while others are not. Cutting off the utilities would put a lot of women and children in an even worse situation than they are in now. We can use your help by helping us keep the lights on!
Sandra Ramos
West Milford, NJ
Strengthen Our Sisters