Keep the MSCHF Key4All car running well
Donation protected
The Key4All community wants to keep the car going for as long as possible.
Who is Vince?
Vince is the owner & maintainer of The Discord members voted for him (me) to organize this GoFundMe and manage the funds.
Can we see where the funds go?
A spreadsheet has been created to track funds:
Can I get more info?
All of the discussions around this happen in the MSCHF Discord.
How will funds be distributed?
Any requests for reimbursement from drivers will be validated by the Discord members. Confirmation of the car's possession and documentation of repairs and costs will be reviewed. Once confirmation is made on possession, repairs and cost, Vince will work with the driver to get funds dispersed.
What about
Vince's website will still be able to be used. The funds from this GoFundMe and the donations to the site are 100% separate.
Vince Mitchell
Columbus, OH