Keeping Tempo News Alive
An Appeal For Community Support Of TEMPO NEWS
Since 1959, TEMPO NEWS has labored diligently to serve this community as the voice of the African-American community by publishing the wonderful news stories of this underserved population. We have provided this service as a FREE WEEKLY PUBLICATION filling a critical information void in Sarasota and Manatee counties.
Our primary source of revenue for the business has been paid advertising from our business partners and local churches. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, our revenues have fallen to a critically low level and are threatening
the very existence of the newspaper.
Attempts to acquire Federal, State, and Local funding through the various programs that would supposedly assist small businesses during this pandemic have been unsuccessful. As a last resort, I am appealing to the community-at-large by
asking for your financial assistance to preserve this COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER until we are able to restructure and
obtain the funding needed to keep this newspaper paper as a viable community resource.
Supporting Tempo News will be greatly appreciated and will help us continue to provide community information and
resources to the hundreds of Seniors in Sarasota/Manatee County who don't use computers, iPhones, or tablets for their news source.