Kellerman Family Fund
Donation protected

Luke and Katie Kellerman are the kind of couple that you read about in books or see on the movie screen. Every anniversary, every special occasion, and even every day they are together, they radiate the love that they have for each other.
As they embarked upon starting a family, their plans were halted by a series of unforeseen tragedies. Sadly, Katie suffered losses and an ectopic pregnancy, resulting in emergency surgery.
Shortly thereafter, Luke started feeling sick. After many doctor's appointments and tests, it was determined in September 2015 that Luke is suffering from cancer.
Katie and Luke know it will be a difficult journey but they, along with family and friends, believe that he WILL beat this cancer. All contributions to this fund will go towards costs for Luke's chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and fertility options. Thank you.
(Thank you Michaela McKenna for eloquently writing their story.)
Organizer and beneficiary
Blair Ver Meer
Parker, CO
Katie Kellerman