Kelly Ann Séguin - une nouvelle étoile qui brilles
Donation protected
La vie est si fragile. Aucun parent ne devrait vivre la perte d’un enfant, mais malheureusement, la vie nous met parfois à rude épreuve. Le 26 septembre, Mélanie et Patrick ont reçu cet appel que personne ne voudrait recevoir. Leur Kelly d’amour, la petite peanut de son papa, leur puce adorée, la poutine de sa maman, la petite sœur de Kevin, est devenue la plus belle des étoiles. Kelly-Ann était comme son papa et sa maman, toujours là pour aider, toujours là pour aimer. Lorsqu’on pense à elle, on pense à son si grand cœur. Elle était notre petit rayon de soleil.
Aujourd’hui, nous voulons vous demander votre aide. Vivre un deuil, ce n’est jamais facile, mais si nous pouvions aider Patrick, Mélanie et Kevin à vivre ce moment sans se soucier de l’aspect financier, ça aiderait beaucoup. De plus, comme Kelly-Ann était dans une autre province canadienne au moment de son décès, les coûts sont beaucoup plus élevés. Qu’importe le montant, vous ferez une grande différence en contribuant.
Au nom de toute la famille, nous tenons à vous dire MERCI!
Doreen, Monique et Lise
Life is so fragile. No parent should experience the loss of a child, but unfortunately, life takes some families through this unbelievable moment. On September 26, Mélanie and Patrick received this call that no one would want to receive. Their loving Kelly, her dad's little peanut, their beloved daughter, her mom's poutine, Kevin's little sister, has become the most beautiful star. Kelly-Ann was like her mom and dad, always there to help, always there to love. When we think of her, we think of her big heart. She was our little ray of sunshine. Today we want to ask for your help. Experiencing grief is never easy, but if we could help Patrick, Mélanie and Kevin experience this moment without worrying about the financial aspect, it would help a lot. In addition, Kelly-Ann was in another Canadian province at the time of her death, the costs are much higher. No matter the amount, you will make a big difference with a contribution On behalf of the whole family, we would like to say THANK YOU!
Doreen, Monique & Lise
Doreen, Monique et Lise
Life is so fragile. No parent should experience the loss of a child, but unfortunately, life takes some families through this unbelievable moment. On September 26, Mélanie and Patrick received this call that no one would want to receive. Their loving Kelly, her dad's little peanut, their beloved daughter, her mom's poutine, Kevin's little sister, has become the most beautiful star. Kelly-Ann was like her mom and dad, always there to help, always there to love. When we think of her, we think of her big heart. She was our little ray of sunshine. Today we want to ask for your help. Experiencing grief is never easy, but if we could help Patrick, Mélanie and Kevin experience this moment without worrying about the financial aspect, it would help a lot. In addition, Kelly-Ann was in another Canadian province at the time of her death, the costs are much higher. No matter the amount, you will make a big difference with a contribution On behalf of the whole family, we would like to say THANK YOU!
Doreen, Monique & Lise
Doreen Day
Terrebonne, QC