Kelly Coble Fundraiser
This Gofund me page is set up for my 2nd oldest brother Kelly Coble, below I will try to give a breif synopsis of what he's all beem thru since the summer of 1995. In the summer of 1995 Kelly was, paralyzed from the waist down in a dirt bike accident. Since then he has had many setbacks health wise. In 2005- 2007 Kelly developed a open ulcer that would not heal after many efforts, eventually it was found out he had MRSA. In November 2007 with a body temperature of 104 he had emergency surgery, the Dr. told his staff that he wouldn't make it thru the night, he was down to 109 lbs body weight. Kelly was in the hospital from November until February, we actually had our Thanksgiving that year in a hotel room in Indianapolis, while Kelly was in the hospital. Kelly was in a induced coma for 10 days, miraculously he did recover from the near deathly infection in his back. A blood clot in April 2008 sent Kelly back in hospital for a wk , June 2008 , surgery again to remove what's left of a badly deterioted disc, so back in icu and coma for 8 days the sore never healed surgery again to do a surgical flap this time he was in the hospital for 6 wks , jump ahead..2013 cellulitis on 2 of his toes , both feet , toes taken off at the knuckle. Fast forward to 2016 , Feb. a ulcer sore on his back , wouldn't heal it had been getting treatment for it , July 19 , ulcer sore is infected,cellulitis is in the soft tissue of his spinal column. -- 2 ct scans & 2 MRI 's, the scans showed from T 10 down that 3-4 of his vertabreas were gone & his pelvis has detached itself from the spinal cord. This past Friday Oct 21st, after a 8 hour surgery Drs and a team successfully took out 2 Harrington rods & replaced them with 4 titanium rods. Kelly now has at least a 2 month hospital / recovery rehab stay in Indianapolis. Kelly didn't let the injury from 1995 slow him down he still works part-time, enjoys the outdoors/hunting off his 4 wheeler, and digging ginseng, he just purchased his first home as well. The new surgery he won't be able to twist and turn as easy, no more picking up his wheelchair alone and putting it in his truck, so he will need a lift of some sort built/installed. Time away from work and some occurring medical costs from this are surely to set him back. He's been through more than most could ever imagine, he's tuff, has pulled through all in life that's been thrown at him.