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Kelly Needs A New Van

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Kelly Trent born with a debilitating birth defect - namely Osteogenesis Imperfecta - a genetic bone disorder characterized by fragile bones that break easily. It is also known as "brittle bone disease." 

In a wheelchair since elementary school, Kelly continues to pride herself on her independence and her unparalleled courage. Facilitating that independence was her ability to get around town - starting with her driver's license at the age of 16 - and eventually acquiring her own "Adaptive" mini-van.  

At just 3' 4" Kelly has very unique challenges as a driver [as well as in life] and her mini-van meant that she could allay those hurdles and live a normal productive life as a mother and a contributing member of society - namely, driving kids to school, going to work and attending Daybreak Community Church. 

Late in 2016, Kelly was involved in a multiple-car traffic accident that left her hospitalized with two broken legs and a broken hip.  Moreover, her adaptive minivan was totaled in the accident leaving her without the ability to do the most basic of freedoms that most of us take for granted - namely the ability to move around in her life independently. 

Kelly has not asked for anything and this GoFundMe page will certainly come as a complete surprise to her so we are humbly asking for your help in raising enough money - estimated at roughly $50,000 - to not only purchase a new mini-van, but also make the necessary modifications to accommodate her very unique circumstance. 

If we can raise more, it would go a long way in helping a woman who is the very definition of resilience.

Thank you in advance and God bless you and may God bless Kelly!


  • Hannah Harris
    • $30
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sully Sullivan
Del Mar, CA
Kelly Trent

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