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Kendrew Lascelles' Medical Expenses

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Hello, my name is Stephanie, and I’m asking for donations to help my friend Kendrew Lascelles.

Some of you may be familiar with his work which includes the famous poem The The Box.

This past November, Kendrew suffered from a series of strokes that eventually lead to his placement in a rehabilitation facility in Glendale, California.    Unlike many stroke suffers, Kendrew, though 80, is still physically able.  The tragedy is that the stroke left him suffering from apraxia and aphasia – he is unable to speak well, read, or write.  While this is terrible for anyone, that the stroke attacked the mind of a brilliant actor, orator, and writer of poems, plays, movies, and novels is devastating. 

Mr. Lascelles is strong and positive and has a desire to live independently where at the very least he can continue to pursue his passion for painting.

The cost of medical treatment, even for the insured, can be astronomical.  Besides ambulances, ER visits, hospital stays, specialist appointments, and rehabilitation, there is the on-going cost of safety devices, medication, medication dispenser, and continued speech therapy; most of which is out of pocket.

Every penny of your donation will go towards Kendrew’s relocation costs and medical expenses which will allow him to continue to live independently for as long as possible. 

If you’d like to see more about the man and the artist, here is a link  to his web site where you can see classic videos from his early television days, or his more recent work.

If you are wondering who I am, and why I want to help, read on:

In September of 1988, I met a person who would turn out to be one of the dearest friends I’ve ever had: Mr. Kendrew Lascelles.  Not only did Kendrew encourage me in my creative work, he showed me a level of respect and kindness that had been rare in my personal life.  He did this due to his nature: one of gentleness, compassion, and genuine care for the people in his life.  For me, he turned my life around and put me on a more positive path.  It is with no exaggeration that I say I owe much of who I am and what I’ve accomplished in life to Kendrew.

Almost thirty years ago, Kendrew held his hand out to me, and lifted me up higher than I’d ever stood.  So now, I will do anything in my power to help him live this life on his terms.

Thank you for your time and your consideration. My gratitude for any contribution you make is immeasurable.


  • Anonymous Anonymous
    • $100
    • 8 yrs


Stephanie Toohey Mariner
Castle Rock, CO

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