1 Breakfast 4 FOOD, MEDICAL & SCHOOL 4 Tigray kids
Dear Donor
OneNet Foundation and Keradion Relief and Development Association Mekelle in partnership has been organizing GoFundMe to support Tigray Children.
OneNet is a non-profit organization, registered in California USA, since 2018, our goal is to reach out and support millions of people in Tigray.
Please use the GoFundMe link to contribute. Your donation will qualify for a tax donation, as we are tax exempted. “Every little help”, please feel free to donate any amount from $5.
Thank you for your continued support and generous donation. Without your support, we shall not reach our goal?
OneNet Foundation and Keradion Relief and Development Association Team
P.S. - Find the attached proposal draft. Any question or more information you may need – please reach out at any time with the provided details.
Andenet Assefa
Oakland, CA
Onenet Foundation Ethiopia