Keri (Kowalski) Accavallo died suddenly at 45.
Hello, my name is Patty Bisang or just Tresha. On behalf of Keri's family and children I have created this page. I'm sure all of you can understand that her whole family, including her two magnificent young boys are completely heart broken and stunned by Keri's sudden death. It all started as an infection that quickly turned into sepsis. In which leads me to why this page was created.
Unfortunately, Keri did not have a will, which means there is not an executor of her estate. They are going to need help with attorneys fees and this will take a lot of time to finalize. So, until her estate and a executor is named all the financial issues will be very tough to manage by her siblings and other family members. All the medical bills alone are going to to be astronomically high. She was in two different hospitals in just a week. Her house mortgage will still need to be paid monthly as well as the added expenses of keeping it up. The funeral costs are high due to her sudden death. On top of all that the legal fees will have to be paid out of there pocket So much to wrap their heads around. If you can in any way help them with some of these costs it would be truly appreciated. They have so much to do in a small part of time while also grieving with absolutely broken hearts.
We know up above Keri is devastated that she cant hug Bennett and AJ just one more time.
All donations will be going straight to her sister Lori’s account.